The scientist Dr. Francisco Cabral de Melo, pharmacist, specialist, trained at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in 1946 in Faina - Goiás, with a team of collaborators and
researchers, beginning in 1946 Draft research Mutamba and is considered one of the pioneers of research, making treatment with yellow fever patients, with a cure rate of one hundred percent and
effectiveness. The scientific paper treatments in several patients with yellow fever, using tannin (accumulation of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen) of the plant popularly known as Mutamba or Guazuma
Ulmifolia, a typical plant in testing the eastern region of northern Brazil.
Today, thanks to these investigations MUTAMBA The MGU is considered as an effective cure for yellow fever quickly and efficiently.
Mutamba Project
Dr. Paulo Rodrigues Antônio Gouveia Project Manager - State of Tocantins
Country Brazil, street, number 236, Couto Sector, City Araguaina
Call Center - Mutamba Project: - Phone Center: +55633414 0719
Global Project
Manager: +5563 9263 2664 - Official Site: